Wackamole: use your resources

Wackamole is an application that helps with making a cluster highly available. It manages a bunch of virtual IPs, that should be available to the outside world at all times. Wackamole ensures that a single machine within a cluster is listening on each virtual IP address that Wackamole manages. If it discovers that particular machines within the cluster are not alive, it will almost immediately ensure that other machines acquire these public IPs. At no time will more than one machine listen on any virtual IP. Wackamole also works toward achieving a balanced distribution of number IPs on the machine within the cluster it manages.

mod_backhand との組み合わせでよさげ。しかし mod_backhand の Apache 2.0 対応がのぉ・・・というかmod_backhand-devel とかみてると Wackamole と mod_proxy を使えということなのかなぁ。というか仮想IPたくさん作って Wackamole に管理させて、そいつらを DNSラウンドロビンして結果的に負荷分散というのが正しい方向性であろうか。しかし VRRP でいいきもするな。